Tuesday 29 September 2009

Different Types of Magazines

The vast majority of magazines are specifically designed to target a particular group of customers. The likes, dislikes, needs and wants of the target market are reseached by the producers of the magazines in order to ensure that they are providing what the potential customers are looking for. The contents of most magazines are very predictable for example women's weekly magazines always contain the same sections such as fashion, health and beauty, real lives, celebrity gossip, quizzes, competitions and horoscopes. The predictability of magazine's contents is a positive feature as readers want to be assured that it will be full of articles they want to read.
Magazines are classified either by age group or interest, for example childrens magazines such as 'Girl', teenagers and womens magazines such as 'Reveal' or 'Heat' and also mens magazines such as 'Men's Vogue'. The types of groups that different magazines are classified into include film, nature, sport, hair and beauty and even home renovations.

I will be focusing on film magazines in particular when I begin to plan and produce a front cover of a magazine that features my teaser trailer.

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