Tuesday 29 September 2009

Aspects of a Magazine Cover

I have researched four main aspects of magazine covers that are essential to the structure of the magazine. I shall need to consider the following points when I begin to plan the structure of my own magazine cover.
Purpose: The two main purposes of the front cover of a magazine are to grab the reader's attention and to provide a little bit of information about what is featured in the magazine. The cover of the magazine is the most important part in terms of selling opportunities, it is the cover that will entice customers to purchase or if they are not impressed by the cover then they will look elsewhere.
Structure: Most magazine covers have the same or very similar structures as the position of images and text on the cover will affect where a customer looks first when they pick up a magazine, depending on what catches their eye. They consist of:
-A masthead that contains non-changing features such as the magazines title and price.
-A logo
-A motif that identifies the theme
-An issue number
-A photograph or image that usually takes up the majority of the page, often overlapping parts of the title
-A variety of small photographs or images that advertise specific features in the magazine
-A main headline
-Subheadings which preview some of the feature stories
-Bold or highlighted announcements of competitions, quizzes, posters and pull-out sections
Language features:
-A short and simple title ensures that customers will remember the name of the magazine
-A short statement of the magazines main theme is usally placed directly below the title but can sometimes be found above the title.
-Catchy headlines containing alliteration may be used
-Short and direct noun groups that often use noun groups
-Rhetorical questions might be used in order to confront the reader or involve them in the topic
-Rhyming is used to create an upbeat mood such as 'She's Hot, He's Not'
Visual features:
-A glossy full-colour cover
-An easily recognised masthead that contains the name of the magazine and the date of publication
-A close-up feature photograph or just a photograph that fills most of the cover
-Titles of feature articles in a variety of colours and fonts, often the same colour and style of font is used for the subheadings and a different colour for other parts of the cover
-Highlighted text and large print for the headlines of the msot important articles
-A well-balanced colour scheme that brings it all together whilst focusing on particular elements
-Slanted text suggets a lighthearted and fun mood

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