Tuesday 29 September 2009

Props and Costume

I have produced a list of the props that I need to use during the filming process to ensure that I remember what I need and when I will need to use it.

-Black liquid eyeliner
-Fake blood
-Kitchen Knife
-Child's slippers
-Paint brush

-Black hooded coat
-Black trousers
-Black t-shirt
-Black gloves
-Black shoes
-White t-shirts

The liquid eyeliner, fake blood and paint brush will be used to create effects and transform the appearance of the actors, making them look more horrific. The child's slippers will portray the idea of innocence and emphasize the fact that the corpse is of an innocent child, or make it seem that way...
The black items of clothing will conceal the identity of the villain and enhance the sense of mystery, where as the white t-shirts will be used for the corpses in order to give the impression that they are innocent people.

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