Tuesday 22 September 2009

Key Concepts

The following are the key concepts that I have researched that relate to teaser trailers:
Definition: Horror films are movies that aim to obtain negative emotions such as fear from an audience. The main aspects of the narrative usually include themes of death, murder, the supernatural or mental illness. A thriller film is designed to promote intense excitement, create a high level of anticipation and build suspense to maintain attention from the audience and keep them engaged, trying to guess what will happen.
I am going to consider both horror and thriller movies when planning my own teaser trailer as i feel that a trailer combining the two will be very effective.

Forms and Conventions: This refers to the common aspects found in particular film genres and trailers. Film producers and directors will carefully consider established conventions when planning their shooting schedules and storyboards. Sometimes the forms and conventions are purposely not followed in an attempt to break the rules and expectations of an audience, this may prove popular with veiwers or be ineffective and jeopardise the success of the film.

Representation: Representation is about how the trailer signifies the world to an audience.

Audience: The audience is one of the essential components as they are who the trailer is being produced for. The effects of the media product on the audience needs to be considered when I'm planning the production of my trailer, this is a key area of debate as some movies such as horror that contain elements of death and murder may influence others to recreate scenes or commit crimes.

Target Audience:
The certification of films has to be carefully considered for all film genres as certain scenes may be unacceptable for children or young teenagers to watch, for example references to horrific scenes, the use of strong language or sexual content. The certification for both "Sorority Row" and "Orphan" is 15. The most common reasons for why many films are classified in the category for teenagers aged 15 and above is due to the use of stong language, bloody violence and strong or mild sex references. When I reach the stage of classifying my teaser trailer I will categorically consider all of the content included in my trailer in order to decide upon the most suitable certifcate rating.

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