Thursday 24 September 2009

Risk Assessment

I have carefully considered the potential risks and hazards regarding health and safety when filming. The following are hazards that I will attempt to avoid:
- Be sure that all equipment is being used correctly to prevent damage and to ensure nobody gets hurt, for example if a tripod is not set up properly someone could trip over it.
- If I film shots near any roads I must be cautious of all vehicles and makesure no-one is put in a dangerous situation.
- When choosing my filming locations I will makesure that they are not dangerous in any way.
- I will avoid filming on any uneven surfaces to prevent injury and damage of equipment.
- When planning my shooting schedule I will need to check the weather forecast as extreme weather conditions could be dangerous.
- The camera must be fully charged to avoid wasting valuable time.
- If I decide to film in the rain I must protect the equipment from the weather by using an umbrella.
- If any of the actors involved in the filming have medical conditions that require them to use medication or inhalers etc these must be easily accessible.
- A fully charged mobile phone must be on hand at all times in case of an emergency.
- A first aid kit may also be required if anyone does get injured.
- If my shooting shedule means that I have to film late at night or in the dark everyone involved in the shooting process must be more cautious of their surroundings than usual.
- To avoid trouble no-one will interrupt or disturb any members of the public.
- Nobody should be left alone whilst filming out of school.
- If I decide to use a sharp weapon such as a knife during filming then I msut film the shots inside a controlled environment where everyone is aware of what needs to be filmed and how to be safe.
- No destruction or vandalism of public property for the benefit of the filming will take place.

I will avoid possible risks from occuring but not all problems can be prevented, such as the weather or not having access to a camera when it would be most suitable for me to film. Precautions that I must take before attempting to film any shots include checking the ground is flat and dry, ensuring everybody is aware of what needs to be filmed, when and where and also making sure that everyone has a mobile phone or money so we can contact people if any problems arise.

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