Thursday 1 October 2009

Common Features of a Magazine

-Most magazines are very colourful and eye-catching and they always consist of photographs, usually one that fills nearly the whole cover with several smaller images or sometimes a few images that are similar sizes, therefore of equal importance to the contents of the magazine.
-The front covers of magazines tend to be quite busy with lots of text and images that keep customers interested and makes the magazine more appealing.
-The title of the magazine is usually in the biggest, boldest font on the cover to ensure that it is clearly visible to customers.
-Women's magazines in particular display the two most important peices of information from a consumers perspective very clearly, these are the price of the magazine and a rough idea of the contents of the magazine.
-Magazines that are designed to target a specific group of people with a particular interest tend to be more expensive than other magazines and do not make the price of the magazine one of the main focuses.
-There are plenty of photographs on magazine covers aimed at teenagers and adults
-Although there are lot of images and text on magazine covers there is a careful balance between the two.
-A variety of fonts are usually used to create a more diverse and interesting cover.
-The date and price of the magazine are usually found in small print either near the title or the barcode, however some womens magazines ensure that the price is highlighted through the use of big, bold font and bright colours.

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