Thursday 24 September 2009

Shooting Schedule

I will be filming the shots for my horror teaser trailer in various locations to ensure that the audience will be constantly engaged when watching and do not become bored of the same setting or a sequence of similar shots. The majority of my shots will be in black and white or very dark areas to create an element of fear through the use of low key lighting and mysterious shots.
I have booked a camera to use out of school for a period of one week from saturday 19th September until Thursday evening which will be the 24th of September, I will decide when will be best to film certain shots depending on where I need to film and how much time I have to film each day. For example I want to film shots from inside a friends car showing the view out of the front window, but when I can film these shots will depend on when my friend is availableso therefore I arranged in advance when I will film particular scenes and shots.

Saturday 19th - location - flat in Erith - 5.00pm
- I will film the shots of a bloody knife, a male lying amongst rubble with bloody injuries and various close-up shots of corpses and weapons, including any last minute ideas that I think of whilst filming.
Problem: When I began to charge the camera in preparation for filming I realised that i had accidently been given a cleaning tape instead of a recording tape therefore I was unable to film.

Sunday 20th - location - Slade Green - 8.00pm
- I am going to film long shots and medium close-ups of a black figure walking alongside a busy road late at night, incorporating shadows where possible for example near a street lamp. I aim to achieve a shot that focuses on the black figure whilst the lights from oncoming cars create as sense of urgency through the speed of the cars passing by.
Problem: I have still not had an opportunity to purchase a recording tape so I will need to collect one from school tomorrow and return the cleaning tape.

Monday 21st - location - Danson Park - 7.30pm
- The shots that I need to film at Danson Park include a zoom shot and close-up of a teenage girl lying on the ground, a variety of shots showing the black figure acting suspiciously in wooded areas and a reflection shot of the black figure in water, either the lake or a stream in the park.
Problem: When I arrived at the park it had already closed so instead I filmed in secluded areas that were near to the park, shots that I filmed include the the street lamp shot and the busy road shot that I planned to film yesterday.

Tuesday 22nd - location - Danson Park - 4.00pm
- As I was unable to film last night I returned to Danson park to film the shots that I had planned to film last night.

Wednesday 23rd - location - Bexleyheath - 10.00pm
- I will film the shots featured in my storyboard of the view out of a front car window whilst a friend is driving at night when it is dark. I will also film various shots of a young girl lying on the ground with blood around her and on her top. Other shots from my storyboard that I need to film are the clips of the young girl with dark circles around her eyes.

Thursday 24th - location - at home/garden/kitchen - 8.00pm
- I will film the shots that I had planned to film on saturday but couldn't and will also film any other shots that come to mind through inspiration during filming.
- As this will be the last evening I have to film before the camera it due to be returned I will check through all of the shots I have filmed incase anything needs to be redone or i have missed any shots out.

Desptie three problems occuring that affected the amount of time I had to film I feel that i have successfully filmed enough shots and all the shots i require. If when I begin to edit I feel as though some clips could be better or I want to re-do some shots then I will need to book a camera to take out of school again.

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