Tuesday 22 September 2009

Audience opinions about teaser trailers

I have gathered information about what my peers and family members think about horror teaser trailers in order to decide which aspects would work most effectively when I produce my own teaser trailer.

The following are the questions that I asked several people:
1. What aspects of a horror/thriller teaser trailer keep you on the edge of your seat?
- the build up of the music as it becomes louder and more intense
- the use of shadows that create an eery and mysterious atmosphere
- seeing a suspect or various suspects during the trailer
- when there is a lot of action included
- if there are weapons, fire, blood or corpses shown it builds a lot of tension

2. Which of the following do you think builds tension the most in a teaser trailer for a horror film? mise-en-scene, lighting, sound, music, camera movement or types of shots?
- the sound effects
- low key lighting
- loud and sharp music
- the location, depending on where it is and what it looks like
- fast paced editing
- camera movement, if the camera is frantically moving around

3. What is it about a horror teaser trailer that makes you want to watch the film?
- the sense of a good, interesting plot
- when it leaves you feeling shocked and wanting to see more action
- when there is a very fast paced sequence of horrific shots just before the end
- the build up of tension throughout the teaser trailer
- when bloody, horrific scenes are shown as it looks like it will be quite a good horror

- when the trailer is full of action
- when a mystery is shown
- if the trailer ends on a cliff-hanger

4. Have you seen any teaser trailers for a horror movie that did not entice you? If so, why was it not an effective trailer?
- no, not that I can remember
- yes it was a very predictable trailer that featured halloween and contained too much information about the film

5. What is your favourite horror teaser trailer and why?
- 'Prom night' because the facial expressions of the actors were really good and at the end of the trailer a hand reached out towards the screen before the title sequence appeared, it was very effective and scary. Also the use of shadows and the music made you want to see more.
- 'Sorority row' is the most recent one that I have seen and I really want to see the film, it had an interesting twist in the plot which was that a young adult accidently murdered his girlfriend.

6. What type of location do you think would create a tense atmosphere in a horror film?
- the woods
- an attic
- a huge, very old house
- graveyard
- an isolated and abandonned location
- an empty school building

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