Friday 6 November 2009

Analysis of 'Zombieland' poster

From looking at this poster I can clearly see that this is not just a horror movie but also a comedy. The font used for the title portrays an upbeat and lighthearted ambience through the use of the bright colours, the idea of it being lit up and the way that it curves across the poster. A short subheading is also featured underneath the title that enhances the humourous nature of the movie. On the other hand the bottom half of this poster reflects the genre of horror in the film, the use of dull, dark colours and weapons give the impression of danger and create suspense. The facial expressions of the characters featured act as a link between the two genres of the film as they are neither humourous nor horrific but portray elements of both. The information that this poster provides includes the names of the four actors/actresses in the image, the title of the film along with the subheading, the names of organisations and people involved in the production of the film and also the release date.

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