Tuesday 10 November 2009

Analysis of Film Posters

This poster advertising ‘Matrix reloaded’ shows a symmetrical layout between the images and the text along with a bland colour scheme using mainly black, white and contrasting tones. The position of the two characters featured on the poster represents their equal status and also highlights the focus on the title that is positioned in the middle of both the poster and the actors. There is attention to detail in the reflection of the sunglasses and the background of the poster, however overall this poster is not too busy and overpowering. The main aspects featured include a main image, the title of the film and the release date.
The poster above promoting ‘After the sunset’ contains images showing five different actors and actresses, however the position of these images clearly shows that the two actors on the left are more significant in the film than the others. Unlike the film poster above this one contains more information including a list of cast members and the names of four main actors/actresses which is one of the main focal points of the poster. The colours used enhance the visibility of each aspect, for example the white font against the orange sunset and the title of the film against a dark background. This poster contains more to digest and the title is not as predominant as in the poster above.

Out of the three posters that I have looked at I feel that this one creates an equal balance between the images and the text, it is also the most memorable in terms of remembering the name of the film and what the film could be about. The image used along with the title of the film suggests that the plot of the movie may be about the couple featured having problems or disagreements with the elderly woman. The aspects featured include one main image, the title of the film the names of the main actor and actress, a list of cast members and a subheading for the film. The title and the photo are equally positioned in the field of depth of this poster.

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